If you're on vacay in Sydney, or a local Sydney-sider, it's hard to know which markets are worth going to.
There are so many markets but so little time. If you're on the hunt to find the best markets in Sydney, you're in luck. Here are our topic picks!
1. Bondi Markets
After soaking up some Vitamin D & Sea, head across the road to the local school grounds where you'll find the markets, on a Sunday.
The Bondi Markets are known for up-and-coming Australian brands. It's like going through your best friends closet who has way better fashion than you.
Boasting the laziest market atmosphere, it's one of the best spots to find your next Blem beach towel! ;)
Where: Bondi Beach Public School
When: Every Sunday, 10am—4pm
2. Glebe Markets
Do you like the sound of food, live music, lawn hangs and vintage threads? Then the Glebe markets are the peanut butter to your jam. And everybody is, like, so cultured.
Coming to life every Saturday, the Glebe Markets are all about recycled and up cycled finds.
Where: Glebe Public School
When: Every Saturday, 10am—4pm
3. Everleigh Farmers Markets
Get some yum food in your tum. The Everleigh Farmers Markets are one of my fave's. And with over 70 stalls from NSW and ACT you are guaranteed to find some delish artisan, fresh and take home foods. Hit Kylie Kwong up for an awesome brekky.
Where: 245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh
When: Every Saturday, 8am – 1pm
4. Surry Hills Market
Open on the first Saturday of each month, the Surry Hills Markets have become one of the most popular markets for vintage fashion, rare books, recycled designer clothing and handmade items. Get up and in early for a hot beverage and rummage through the finds.
Where: Corner of Crown Street and Collins Street, Surry Hills
When: First Saturday of the month, 7am – 4pm
5. Paddington Markets
If you love authentic Australian wares and wears, Paddington Markets is the spot for finding the perfect gift or latest item to add to your collection.
With a beautiful outdoor food court underneath wide spread trees, try international dishes and binge on artisan chocolatier stalls. But first, go have a peek at the Blem collection.
Where: 395 Oxford St, Paddington
When: Every Saturday, 10am – 4pm
6. Orange Grove Markets
This is what happens when a farmer marries a fashion lover. Orange Grove is a huge market filled with fresh produce, gifts and fashion.
Where: Orange Grove Public School, Leichhardt
When: Saturdays, 8am – 1pm
7. Kirribilli Markets
The Kirribilli Markets are filled to the brim with everything you could imagine. With over 220 stalls, its more than worth the walk over the Harbour Bridge.
My favourite part about these markets is their mission to keep clothes on peoples backs and out of landfills. Any unsold second-hand clothing goes into special collection bins, going to local charities.
Where: Alfred Street and Burton Street, Milsons Point
When: Second Sunday of the month, 9am – 3pm